About Us

About Us

Our Story

     Brody Camden Berlin was born on May 8, 2023. Brody was the little brother to two older sisters, and was going to complete our family. He was five weeks early from his scheduled delivery date, and still 7lb 3oz 19 inches long.  When the time is right, Brody’s story will be shared.

    I am just a mother trying to navigate this new life without our third child. While living in complete devastation, I felt a strong desire to help others who have experienced similar pain and/or trauma.  It is because of Brody that we are here to assist other families. 


Because of Brody’s Mission is to support families experiencing trauma, grief, or loss of a child. We provide compassion, understanding, hope, and acts of kindness and service. We offer education for individuals about the grief process and how to support those who are grieving.